Our approach is based on pragmatism and honesty – and grounded in practical experience, solving business problems.
Before we take on any assignment, we ask ourselves:
- Can we achieve your desired outcome?
- Will the project be completed in time?
- Is it a cost-effective solution?
And we tell you the answers.
If we establish that what we’re being asked to do won’t solve your problem, or doesn’t fit our skills set, we say so.
By completing our due diligence up front, we can heavily reduce the risk of overrun and failure, hence our success rate.
Scoping the project.
Typically our clients have already narrowed down their requirements in light of the constraints they face. We will refine these further to identify the absolute essentials for the initial roll-out. Often, the delivery of other requirements and enhancements can be timed to follow. Phasing projects in this way minimises the risk of missing your business-critical deadline.
The project life cycle
Having scoped the project, we move as rapidly as possible through the following stages, according to our agreed schedule.
- Design
- Build
- Test
- Implement and bed in
- Migrate the solution to enterprise systems
– This can be done in several ways:
- by the White Kite team
- in collaboration with your internal IT department
- by helping you select an external provider
Tactical to strategic
We will indicate the optimal projected life of the solutions we develop. But, given their robustness, clients often choose not to replace them.
Still, we develop every application with its strategic successor in mind. So we document all workarounds, compromises, and problems discovered to inform the team that will eventually design that strategic solution.
We even open up code written by White Kite for your IT department to re-use.